EmbeddedResourceBrowser 1.2.0

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NamedReadOnlyList Class

An IReadOnlyList<T> containing elements that can be accessed by their name.

Base type: object.
Implemented interfaces: IReadOnlyList<T>.

Generic Parameters


Name Access Modifier Summary
Count public get

Gets the number of items in the collection.

Item[int] public get

Gets the element at the provided index

Item[string] public get

Gets the element with the provided name


Name Access Modifier Summary
ContainsKey(string) public

Checks whether an item with the given name exists.

GetEnumerator() public

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

TryGetValue(string, T) public

Gets the item having the specified name.


All items in the collection are sorted by their name and searched using case-insensitive comparison (OrdinalIgnoreCase).

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